Buying local in Madison County is just as simple as it sounds:
When you make a purchase, buy it where you live. When you buy locally more money stays in this community. When we all do this it really adds up: if each resident of Madison County kept $2.61 more of their purchases here it would add up to $1.4 Million in additional revenue to use for local projects and programs and to help fund our community's many great non-profits. This can be applied to all purchases from groceries to gas to services like haircuts and car repair.
While there are added advantages to buying from the many truly local independent businesses, mom and pop stores, and farmers we have in Madison County, that may not always be possible. To keep more money local, the first place to start is for residents to simply keep as many of their everyday purchases here in Madison County.
Keep Dollars Here
When you buy in Madison County, the sales tax collected stays in Madison County.
Support Local Jobs
When you make your purchases here, you support and encourage job creation in Madison County.
Help the Environment
Shopping within the community you live reduces the amount of driving required for goods and services, lessening traffic and air pollution.