Wellington Woods SALE

Wellington Woods SALE

Wellington Woods SALE

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Wellington Woods SALE

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Deal: 20% off New custom orders + FREE delivery within 50 miles

Savings are in bloom at Wellington Woods! 20% off all new custom orders with free delivery within 50 miles. View our extensive gallery at WellingtonwoodsCNY.com for ideas and samples of our prior custom orders. We also have a great selection of wood tables and decor in our showroom/gallery at 6969 State Route 20, Bouckville.


All custom orders are 100% guaranteed to be made to your satisfaction. Call anytime - we're here to help you with all of your furniture and decor needs! 315-525-1130

Contact Information
6969 State Route 20, ,
Madison, New York, United States 13310
Phone: 315-525-1130

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