Owners: Luke Gianforte
About: Gianforte Farm operates in the rolling hilltops north of Cazenovia, New York. Success in organic farming represents a delicate dance between crop selection, tillage practices, weather and timing to produce a good crop yield and reduce weeds and pests. Any given year we grow up to 10 different organic grains and row crops as well as underseed fields with legumes to bolster fertility. Soil health is carefully monitored and enhanced through crop selection and periodic use of soil amendments such as gypsum and compost. Gianforte Farm produces up to 13 different organic food-grade grains and beans in its planned crop rotation.
Top products: Rolled oats, wheat flour, dry beans, corn meal
Where to buy them: All our products can be ordered and then picked up at our farm. During the winter, we sell at the Cazenovia Saturday Farmers Market. They sell wholesale to mills and organic dairies as well.
Cazenovia, New York, United States 13035